Saturday, August 29, 2009

under the sea


exotic fruits

wow! look at these colours!

Zen catching lizards in Sonoma

blue bellied lizard
caught by Zen
a little belly rub

California flora

blossom in Sausalito...
sunflower in Sonoma in our friend's gardenapples in the same garden in Sonoma
and she had pears too...
lots of other veggies and fruit trees I didn't photo...

Monday, August 17, 2009

our picnic table sprouts

shelf fungus
more table top mushrooms...
not crumbs...fungus...
coming up to see the light...

as Peter says, "nature's bounty"...

fresh corn
grilled zucchinis from the garden
baby asparagus
the giant zuke

the potato harvest

yukon the garden

in a bag...
in a bowl...

digging for gold...

digging in the garden for Yukon Gold...
got one

more buried treaure...

tomatoes and zucchinis

cherry tomatoes...yum...plum tomatoes coming along...

zukes and tomatoes...
zucchini in the garden...
oh wait, how big are those zucchinis?